trak | uplift
The heart of all trak | uplift batteries is the new Active Carbon. Precisely matched active materials enable higher current discharge characteristics as well as improved fast charging capability. In combination with the optimised active area ratio of the new 3D Enhanced Electrode Design, Active Carbon ensures increased service life for cyclic applications. In single shift operation trak | uplift batteries demonstrate their durability and economy. The Protective Shell Separator effectively protects against short circuits as a result of deposits of free active material on the negative electrode. A pole feed-through with a labyrinth system specially developed for the daily requirements of industrial trucks withstands even the highest mechanical strains and ensures reliable operation and reduced maintenance. The trak | uplift battery is now available as a cost-optimised basic solution which is designed so that additional components such as trak | air electrolyte circulation can be retrofitted at any time. Customised or vehicle-specific adaptations are of course possible at any time.

grid | Xtreme VR
The grid | Xtreme VR series represents the highest level of development of today's pure lead batteries in AGM technology and is trend-setting in terms of energy and power density for lead-acid storage technologies.
They were developed to meet customer requirements for increased performance and durability, as well as for use at elevated ambient temperatures.
Due to its design as a top and front terminal version it is optimally suited both as a UPS battery in data centres and as a back-up battery in telecom applications.
The basis of the pure lead technology is the maximisation of the number of electrodes installed and the resulting larger electrochemical reaction surface, which results in a greater energy and power density for lead-acid storage technologies.
In the development of the HOPPECKE grid | Xtreme VR batteries, the focus was deliberately placed on the reworking and optimisation of all components in order to be able to fully exploit the performance gain of pure lead technology. This has redefined the standard for maintenance-free sealed batteries (VRLA).

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